YK070 Chromogranin A EIA キット使用の文献を追加しました (Reference update)

弊社YK070 Chromogranin A EIA キット使用の文献(タイトル等の紹介)を追加しました。

Intake of green tea inhibited increase of salivary chromogranin A after mental task stress loads.

Yoto A, Murao S, Nakamura Y, Yokogoshi H.

J Physiol Anthropol. 2014 Jul 17;33:20. doi: 10.1186/1880-6805-33-20.

PMID: 25034805 [PubMed – in process]  Free PMC Article  Related citations


Chromogranins can be measured in samples from cats and dogs.

Stridsberg M, Pettersson A, Hagman R, Westin C, Höglund O.

BMC Res Notes. 2014 Jun 4;7(1):336. [Epub ahead of print]Free Article


Stress Management Based on Trait-Anxiety Levels and Sleep Quality in Middle-Aged Employees Confronted with Psychosocial Chronic Stress

YK070  Reference